Peak 6 Power & Gas

Natural Gas Leaks

Natural gas leaks are rare, but they can have very serious consequences.  Use your senses to detect a natural gas leak in your home or business.  If you detect any of the below issues, immediately move to a safe place and call 911.  Do not turn on or off any lights or appliances, including a phone.


Dead or discolored vegetation: Is your usually lush garden suddenly brown with decay?  Or perhaps there’s a mysterious brown patch in your yard.  Dead vegetation can be a sign of a natural gas leak beneath the soil.  The gas blocks the plants’ natural source of oxygen.

Blowing dirt:  Does it look like a mini-whirlwind in a corner of your home?  Are the dust bunnies swirling or blowing?  Natural gas leaks can easily send stray particles into flight.

Bubbles:  Don’t ignore bubbling water on your street – This can be a sign of a natural gas leak lurking below.


Hissing sound:  That quiet hissing or blowing sound shouldn’t be ignored.  It could be the sound of natural gas exiting a pipe in an undesirable location.  This is especially true near appliances or after a natural disaster such as an earthquake or flood.


Rotten egg-smell:  Natural gas is naturally odorless; however, a chemical called mercaptan is added in order to warn people of a potential natural gas leak.
