Sacramento, CA
Sacramento is often described as the Birthplace of the California Gold Rush. We can thank Captain John Sutter for that. Sutter, a Swiss immigrant on the run from debtor’s prison, was allowed to settle in the Sacramento Valley after agreeing to take Mexican citizenship. He soon built a fort which he named after himself – Sutter Fort.
In 1848, a millwright working at Sutter’s Fort discovered a gold nugget. As word spread, tens of thousands of wealth seekers flooded the area and destroyed Sutter’s property in their quest for quick riches. They were given the moniker “49’ers” due to their arrival in the year 1849.
Sacramento is also the birthplace of the Pony Express, the precursor to our modern mail system. In the lead up to the Civil War, there was a dire need for accurate and timely information about the state of events on the east coast of the United States. To fill this need, men on horseback carried saddlebags filled with mail across a 2,000 mile trail. Despite the danger and the immense workload, it is reported that only one delivery was ever lost. Though the service lasted less than two years and was obviated by the Pacific Telegraph line in 1861, the rugged romanticism of The Pony Express made it a staple of the mythos of the American West.
Sacramento is the 6th capital of California since 1854, and it’s been the state’s capital on two separate occasions. It is affectionately known as “River City” due to its placement at the confluence of the Sacramento and American rivers. These rivers brought Sacramento both economic success and sorrow. In 1850, after a particularly destructive flood, Sacramento experienced flu and cholera epidemics.
The Sacramento Kings, a professional basketball team, is the oldest franchise in the NBA. The team moved from Kansas City, MI to Sacramento in 1985. Sacramento is also home to a professional soccer team and a minor league baseball team.
Sacramento has a long and, literally, rich history. Since the discovery of the first California Gold nugget near Sutter’s Fort, Sacramento has grown into a modern success story. Thank you for reading. We hope you’ll take a moment to check your Peak 6 Power and Gas rate.